She Threw Him a Birthday Party, He wished for this...

When Brent reached out to me to be his proposal photographer we discussed ahead of time how he was to going to propose to Grecia at SPIN DC during his birthday party, which she had planned for him. On the day of the proposal I met Brent in the lobby of SPIN where we went over the plan to introduce me to the party as the official photographer from the SPIN venue, working to get photos of people using the event space room. His friends and family already knew what was about to happen when we entered together I immediately introduced myself as the SPIN photographer to Grecia and got some photos of the cake and pretended to take photos of the space. It was then time to blow out the candles on the birthday cake and all of Brent's friends and family asked him "what did you wish for?". He slyly turned around to Grecia and addressed the crowd "...for Grecia to say 'yes'". Grecia's astonishment was prices as Brent went on one knee and gave a brief, heartfelt speech and she emphatically said 'yes' in front of all their friends and family. After the excitement of the moment itself, there were many beautiful moments of hugs, kisses, and congratulations from the crew. We grabbed a few pictures of the whole crew together and the photos were delivered the next day.



Check out my top 25 engagement photo locations and let me know if you have any questions! Ready to book me as your DC proposal photographer - inquire here.